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About Him

Makhdumaol Ulma  Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi Dervi R.A came from a lineage of distinguished scholars, judges, and revered spiritual figures, all of whom were known for their wisdom and spiritual excellence. He was blessed with the continuous guidance and spiritual legacy of these noble ancestors.

Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi (RA)

Islamic Governance

Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi (RA) dedicated his life to the supremacy of Islam, striving to establish Shariah in Pakistan through education, activism, & political engagement. His letters to the Presidents of Pakistan, religious verdicts, scholarly works, & relentless efforts against misguidance reflect his unwavering commitment to Islamic governance. His legacy continues to inspire those advocating for the implementation of divine laws in Pakistan.


Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi (R.A) was honored with honorary certificates in Hadith by Hazrat Sayyid Ata Allah Shah (R.A), the head teacher of Soliya Madressa, Makkah Mukarramah (brother of Maulana Sayyid Hussain Ahmad Madani), and by Maulana Abdul Karim Shah Jampuri (R.A).

Famous Fatwas

The total number of Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah R.A unique fatwas is also unknown. However, some important fatwas are as follows:
  • Dua after Janazah (funeral prayer)
  • Imamat of a minor during Taraweeh prayer
  • Whether taking interest from banks is permissible or forbidden
  • Can the hides of sacrificed animals be donated to madrassas or mosques?
  • Is the Adhan (call to prayer) recommended during Suhoor?
  • Women’s right to annul a marriage (Faskh-e-Nikah)
  • Building mosques and madrassas in non-Muslim places of worship
These are some of the important fatwas issued by Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah R.A

More About

The lineage of Makhdumaol Ulma Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi Dervi R.A (RA) traces back to Hazrat Abbas رضي الله عنه, the son of Amir al-Mu’minin Hazrat Ali رضي الله عنه

Mufti Qazi Ubaid Ullah Alvi Naqshbandi Dervi (R.A)

Personal Information

– Born: 8 Shawwal 1321 Hijri (1900), Old Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab  Pakistan
– Death: 22 August 1985, while in the state of Sajdah (prostration)
– Buried: Eid Gah Ubaidia, near City Park, D G Khan
– Nationality: Pakistani
– Father’s Name: Maulana Mufti Qazi Ghulam Yasin Alvi (R.A), the Islamic Judge of the old Dera Ghazi Khan city (Al-Qazi al-Qadha al-Shahr)
– Occupation: Islamic Judge (Qazi-e-Sheher) of Dera Ghazi Khan, Islamic Scholar

Affiliation and Leadership Positions:
– Political Party: Jamiat-ul-Ulama-e-Islam
– President: Jamiat-ul-Islam Dera Ghazi Khan
– Other Positions:
– Islamic Judge (Al-Qazi al-Qadha al-Shahr, Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab Pakistan )
– President and Secretary of Anjuman Hemayat-ul-Islam
– President of Jamiat-ul-Ulama-e-Islam, D G Khan
– President of the International Khatam-e-Nabuwat organization, Dera Ghazi Khan

Historical Context

of Mufti Qazi Ubaid Ullah Alvi R.A Election

In 1951, by the force of Jamiyat Ulama-e-Islam scholars, Mufti Qazi Ubaid Ullah Alvi contested in the first National Assembly elections under the Jamaat-e-Islami platform against Sardar Muhammad Khan Leghari.

However, it is important to note that the opposition from Jamiat Ulama-e-Islam was not present. In fact, the Jamiat Ulama-e-Islam party fully supported him during the election.

Foundation of Mosques

and Madrasas

Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Obaidullah Alvi (رحمت اللہ علیہ) played a significant role in the establishment of many mosques and madrasas in D.G. Khan Division and Multan. He laid the foundation of several important religious institutions, contributing greatly to the spread of Islamic education.

In 1937, he purchased 12 kanal of land for the Markazi Eidgah Obaidia and constructed a permanent structure for the Eidgah, which was dedicated to the purpose of Eidgah’s proper establishment. Later, in 1963, he established Darul Uloom Obaidia at Eidgah.

In 1922, he built the second permanent structure of Darul Uloom Obaidia in Block No. 3, which became the first religious madrasa in D.G. Khan, offering education in the Qur’an, Hadith, and Fiqh principles.

In 1949, just after the creation of Pakistan, a mosque was constructed on the site of an old temple in Block G. The Imdadiya Mosque in Block Q and the Darsgah Niaziya in Block C were also founded in 1945.

The Blessed Journey to

the House of Allah Almighty

In 1974, Hazrat Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi R.A embarked on his journey from Karachi to perform Hajj. His love and devotion for Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم) were so immense that before heading to Jeddah, he first made his way to Medina Munawwara. While kissing the blessed grille (Jali) of the Prophet’s tomb, no guard stopped him, and after presenting himself at the blessed grave of the Prophet, he then proceeded to perform the Hajj pilgrimage.

Mufti Qazi (رحمت اللہ علیہ) was known for his religious and jurisprudential expertise. His teaching abilities were so renowned that, at both the Prophet’s Mosque (Masjid al-Nabawi) and the Holy Kaaba, many scholars from Saudi Arabia and other Arab regions would gather around him constantly, seeking to learn from his deep knowledge and asking him various religious and jurisprudential questions.

This humble servant of Allah dedicated his life to spreading the knowledge of Islam, and his spiritual presence at the holy sites left an indelible mark on all who met him

The Chain of Hadith Transmission (Sanad)

The chain of Hadith transmission of Makhdoom-ul-Ulama, Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi R.A originates from his teacher Sheikh-ul-Hadith Maulana Allah Daat (R.A), who was from Kot Musa Zai, Dera Ismail Khan, and includes various scholars. It connects through Sheikh-ul-Hadith Maulana Syed Abdul Karim Shah Jampuri R.A, Maulana Ahmed Bakhsh (R.A) from Gaddai, Maulana Syed Allah Ditta Shah (R.A), and other notable scholars of the past.

The chain of Hadith transmission reaches back to Hazrat Shah Waliullah (قدس سرہ) and Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz (R.A) in the following manner:

Establishing the Sharia System in Pakistan

The Role of Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi in Establishing the Sharia System in Pakistan

Makhdoom-ul-Ulama Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi (RA) was a prominent Mujaddid (revivalist), Mujtahid (jurist), and held the esteemed position of Qazi-e-Shahr (City Judge). His vision and insight as a revivalist were fully aligned with the divine commandments. Throughout his life, he worked tirelessly to eliminate mischief and bid’ah (innovations in religion) in accordance with the Shariah of Allah. He devoted his efforts to the implementation of the Islamic system in Pakistan until his last breath.

He educated rulers and the general public about the spiritual and practical benefits of the Islamic system through religious lectures, publications, and the establishment of mosques and madrasas. Like all great scholars, he sought to bring false systems under the authority of Islamic law. Understanding the necessity of India’s partition into two nations, he initiated his struggle for the supremacy of Shariah by laying the foundation of religious institutions in Multan and Dera Ghazi Khan even before the creation of Pakistan.

Significant Contributions to the Establishment of Shariah in Pakistan.

  1. Issuance of a Fatwa Against the Ahmadiyya Sect (1925): As the “Qazi-e-Shahr” of Dera Ghazi Khan, he issued a fatwa of disbelief (Kufr) against the Ahmadiyya sect, which aimed to establish a separate state in Qadian. He spent his entire life resisting this movement.

  2. Foundation of Religious Institutions: In 1922, he established Darul Uloom Ubaidia Naqshbandia in Block No. 3, Dera Ghazi Khan, as a stronghold for the promotion of Islam. He also laid the foundation of numerous mosques and madrasas in Dera Ghazi Khan and Multan, such as Masjid-e-Eidgah Ubaidia (1937) and the renowned Madarsa Qasim-ul-Uloom in Multan in collaboration with Maulana Syed Muhammad Hussain Madani, Maulana Khair Muhammad Jalandhari, and Maulana Muhammad Abdullah. His efforts contributed to the religious education of thousands of scholars and Huffaz (memorizers of the Quran), who continue to spread Islam in Pakistan and beyond.

3. Participation in the 1951 General Elections: Understanding that the slogan “Pakistan ka Matlab Kya? La ilaha illallah” implied the enforcement of Islamic laws, he contested the 1951 national elections from the Jamaat-e-Islami platform against Sardar Muhammad Khan Leghari. Despite declaring that Western-style elections were un-Islamic (as stated in his book “Bulugh-ul-Maram Ma’a Fatawa Ubaidia Naqshbandia”), he participated upon the insistence of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam’s scholars to push for Islamic laws in the National Assembly. Though he lost by a small margin, his dedication to the cause of Islamic governance remained unwavering.

4. Role in the Khatm-e-Nubuwwat Movement (1953): He actively participated in the movement against Ahmadiyya beliefs, leading to his arrest. However, due to public pressure, the government was compelled to release him.

5. Meetings with Political Leaders for the Implementation of Shariah:

In 1951, during the visit of West Pakistan’s Governor Khawaja Nazimuddin, Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah, along with other scholars, met him to demand the enforcement of Islamic laws.

In 1965, he wrote a stern letter to President Ayub Khan urging him to replace un-Islamic laws with Shariah-based governance. In response, President Ayub Khan acknowledged the letter but did not take any legislative action.

In 1981, he led religious and political groups in sending a joint resolution to President General Zia-ul-Haq, demanding the immediate implementation of Islamic laws and the elimination of un-Islamic practices.

6. Islamic Writings and Publications: To educate the masses about Shariah, he authored several books and pamphlets, including:

  • Hukoomat-e-Islamia Ka Tasawwur (Concept of Islamic Governance)
  • Shirk Aur Ibadat (Polytheism and Worship)
  • Do Zindagiyon Par Aik Nazar (A Glance at Two Lives)
  • Dawat-e-Islam (Invitation to Islam)
  • Tareekh-ul-Ulama (History of Scholars)
  • Guldasta-e-Waaz (A Bouquet of Sermons)

Role in Finality of Prophethood

Hazrat Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi’s role in the finalization of the Prophethood in Pakistan and India
Makhdoom UlemaHazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi Mujtahid (RA) has an unforgettable role in the finalization of the Prophethood in the Pakistani and Indian subcontinent. His following achievements in the finalization of the Prophethood will be written in golden letters
1= Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah (RA) issued a fatwa of blasphemy against Qadianism in 1924 as a “Qazi Shahr”, on which the Qadianis of D.G. Khan city and the whole of India became strongly against him
2= He wrote the Arabic pamphlet “Rad-e-Mirzayyah” on 12 Rabi’ al-Awwal, Friday, 1346 AH, 1925, and wrote the Urdu pamphlet “Qadiani Dharma” in 1930. In both pamphlets, he exposed the false prophethood of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and made the public aware of the true awareness in the light of the Quran and Hadith.
3= In 1932, Hazrat Maulana Imam Bakhsh Jampuri wrote a letter asking Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah (may Allah have mercy on him) to refrain from declaring Mirza Ghulam Ahmad an infidel. The text of the letter is as follows: “With the service of Mr. Hazrat Qazi Sahib, peace and blessings of Allah be upon you! Hazrat Sahib Quds Surra Al-Aziz Shah (RA) never called anyone an infidel, neither Mirza Sahib nor anyone else, nor is this his pride, nor do we call anyone an infidel, this claim of yours is wrong, leave the claim against Mirzai, rather Hazrat Sahib has called Mirza Sahib one of the righteous servants of Allah. You are unaware of this joke, Hazrat. What more can I ask, by Faqir Imam Bakhsh Faridi Jampuri
On which Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah (RA) informed Maulana Imam Bakhsh Jampuri (RA) about Mirza Ghulam Ahmad being a liar and his false prophethood in the light of the Quran and Hadith.
On 4 May 1936, Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah (RA) held a big debate against the Mirzais for three days in Taunsa Sharif, the town of Fateh-e-Qadian, Dera Ghazi Khan. In the debate, the preacher Mirzai Mullah Muhammad Sharif was defeated in this debate. Brief description of Hazrat Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Rah Sahib’s student Maulana Ghulam Rasool Rah Sahib Madrasa Ubaidiya Dera Ghazi Khan published in the form of a pamphlet in the year 1936.
Thus in the year 1936 itself, two great Mirzais, both Maulana Allah Ditta Jalandhari and Maulana Muhammad Sharif, challenged the Muslims to a debate in the city of Dera Ghazi Khan. Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Rah Sahib accepted this challenge and this debate took place in the Mirzais’ prayer room, Block No. 3. Hazrat Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Rah defeated the Mirzais, Maulana Allah Ditta Jalandhari and Maulana Muhammad Sharif, in the light of the Quran and Hadith and with the words of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad himself. The Muslim people praised him and Hafiz Muhammad Habibullah Rah, a great Hafiz-e-Quran of the city of D.G. Khan, came and congratulated him and said that if any Muslim scholar had not accepted the challenge of these Mirzais, I Was ready to accept Mirzaism
6=On 12 September 1938, in the court of Tirth Das Civil Judge Dera Ghazi Khan, Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi (RA) Sahib Fatih-e-Qadian was the winner of the case of DG Khan in the famous Mirzaism case. The case was
Case of Village Kot Qaisrani
Sample No. R(2)
Goshwara Basta Diwani
Date of receipt:- 22/7/38
Number of issue: 32
Case No.: 436-Case No. 436
Msmat Chanan Bibi vs. Khan Muhammad Qaisrani
Type of case: Cancellation -1050
Date of decision: 15/03/1940
This case consisted of 995 pages which continued in the court from 12 September 1938 to 15 March 1940. On the day of the decision of this case, on 15 March 1940, Ameer Shariat Hazrat Maulana Syed Attaullah Shah Bukhari (RA) was also present in the courtroom. After listening to the well-reasoned arguments of Hazrat Mufti Qazi Abidullah (RA) in the light of the Quran and Hadith, he gave the title of Makhdoom Ulema to Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah (RA). In this, Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alawi Naqshbandi Mujaddidi (RA) achieved a great victory in the light of the Quran and Hadith.

7= Thus, in August 1950, Dost Muhammad Hajana Dervi, a preacher of the Mirzais, published his infamous 22 questions in the “Hafta Roza Tanzeem Ahle Sunnah Lahore” magazine and challenged the Muslim scholars to answer these questions. The title of the question was,
Sardar Ahmad Khan Pitafi’s activities of destroying the Ahle Sunnah, before the debate, it is necessary to decide on the facts, by Dost Muhammad Hajana, the religion of Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaat, disciple of Imam Qadiani, Dera Ghazi Khan” These questions were published in pages 4 to 6 of the magazine, in which Maulana Sardar Ahmad Pitafi (RA) and the eminent scholars of Pakistan were challenged to answer these questions. Sardar Ahmad Khan Pitafi Jampuri (RA) was a student of Hazrat Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah (RA). At the request of Sardar Ahmad (RA), Hazrat Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah (RA) answered these 22 questions in the “Weekly Tanzeem Ahle Sunnah Lahore” magazine of August 1950, with the headline “Dost Muhammad Hajana’s Activity in the Difference and Escape from Debate” by Makhdoom Ulema Hazrat Maulana Qazi Ubaidullah (RA), President of Tanzeem Ahle Sunnah Dera Ghazi Khan.” These answers were published in pages 9 to 14 of the magazine. For giving detailed answers to these 22 questions of the Mirzais, the President of the Weekly Tanzeem, Hazrat Maulana Syed Inayatullah Shah Bukhari (RA) wrote a letter of thanks to Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah (RA) at the end of page 14 of the magazine and Ameer Shariat Hazrat Syed Attaullah Shah Bukhari (RA) also wrote a letter of thanks. It was written
8= After the death of Hazrat Maulana Shabbir Ahmed Usmani (who had led the funeral prayer of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah), Hazrat Mufti Qazi Obaidullah (ra) organized a meeting at the central Eidgah Obaidiya DG Khan on 16 December 1949 to pay his respects and Hazrat Maulana Shabbir Ahmed Usmani’s magazine “Al-Shahab” which was published by the Government of Pakistan. Zafarullah Khan Mirzai had confiscated and banned the magazine on the instructions of the Minister of Interior and other Mirzais. Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah (RA) had a resolution passed by the scholars of DG Khan against the seizure of the magazine on 15 September 1950 and had delivered speeches in his favour at the central Eidgah Ubaidiya and other places in Dera Ghazi Khan.
9= In 1953, he was arrested during the Khatm-e-Nabuwwat movement. When the police station who arrested Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah (RA) handcuffed him, it fell off. It also fell off the second and third time. He tried to check the person next to him and he got it right, but as soon as he handcuffed Qazi Ubaidullah (RA) again, it fell off again. The police station tied his hands and stood in front of him and said that I have an order from the government of the time. Do not be angry and put handcuffs on your hands and put them on him. He was taken to the police station with a handkerchief. His disciples and respected people of the city gathered outside the police station. Finally, the government released him for fear of increasing agitation in DG Khan. 

10=Hazrat Syed Amir Ali Bukhari (RA), son of Syed Manshad Ali Bukhari (RA), resident of Block No. 10, etc., filed a case against the Mirzais (Muslims) etc. in the court of DG Khan on September 8, 1976, in the court of Mr. Syed Sultan Ahmed Shah Civil Judge, against the Mirzais’ call to prayer, offering prayers and performing other rituals according to Islamic rituals in Block No. 3. In the court, he presented his 76-year-old teacher, Hazrat Maulana Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi (RA), before the senior civil judge. He forced the judge to give a verdict against the Mirzais with Quran, Hadith and jurisprudential arguments in the court and also presented his famous case in the court. Against the Mirzaism, he requested DG Khan to present the permanent decision of 15 March 1940 and decide in the light of that case. The case was immediately summoned, which consisted of 995 pages. When Syed Sultan Sahib, the Senior Civil Judge, studied the decision of that case, he was surprised and gave the decision of the case in favor of Syed Amir Ali Bukhari (RA) and said that the Mirzais had been declared infidels even before the establishment of Pakistan. Thus, Hazrat Mufti Qazi Obaidullah Alvi (RA) was the conqueror of Qadian for the second time. Mirzai case 1976 DG Khan

Scholarly and Religious Contributions

Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi (RA) made remarkable and unforgettable contributions to the promotion of Islam. He authored multiple Islamic books in Arabic, Persian, Urdu, and Saraiki. His scholarly works on the interpretation of the Holy Quran, Hadith, Islamic jurisprudence, and theological debates are highly commendable. Below are some of his significant contributions:

Quranic Interpretations

Translation of the Holy Quran:

Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi (RA) translated the Holy Quran into Urdu in a simple and comprehensible manner. He strongly emphasized teaching the translated Quran to students before other religious books. At his seminary, Darul Uloom Ubaidia Naqshbandia, he made it mandatory for students to study the Quran with translation in both Urdu and Saraiki languages. According to Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Shamsuddin Alvi Naqshbandi (RA), son of Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi (RA), the practice of teaching the translated Quran in religious seminaries began when Maulana Khair Muhammad Jalandhari (RA) and Maulana Mufti Muhammad Abdullah (RA), a graduate of Deoband and principal of Khair-ul-Madaris, visited Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah (RA) in 1940 in Dera Ghazi Khan. On this occasion, Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah (RA) proposed including Quranic translation in the religious curriculum, which was accepted and later adopted in seminaries across Pakistan and India.

Tafseer Ahsan-ul-Bayan Fi Ijaz-ul-Quran (Urdu):

Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi (RA) authored an Urdu interpretation of the Quran in five volumes.

Al-Tafseer Al-Ubaidiyah Al-Masmi Bi Ahsan-ul-Bayan Fi Rabt Ayat-ul-Quran (Arabic):

For scholars, he wrote an Arabic Tafseer, explaining the interconnection between Quranic verses. This exegesis is available in a single volume.

Contributions to Hadith Studies

  1. Darsat-ul-Usul (Arabic & Urdu): A treatise on the principles of Hadith.

  2. Mir’aat-ul-Tanaquh al-Mishkat-ul-Masabih: A detailed commentary on Mishkat Sharif, clarifying around a hundred points where the author of Mishkat may have made errors. This work was highly praised by Mufti Muhammad Shafi (RA) of Karachi and Mufti Muhammad Abdullah (RA) of Khair-ul-Madaris, who also sent letters of appreciation.

  3. Additionally, Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi (RA) wrote marginal notes on various Hadith and Fiqh books, including Sahih Sitta, Muwatta Imam Malik, Muwatta Imam Muhammad, Quduri, Kanz-ul-Daqa’iq, and Siraji, though these annotations remain unpublished.

Contributions to Islamic Jurisprudence

Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi (RA) also made great contributions in the field of Islamic jurisprudence.


Nazm-ud-Dur Fi Sharh Al-Fiqh Al-Akbar:

Fiqh Al-Akbar, authored by Imam Abu Hanifa (RA), has been extensively commented upon. One famous commentary is by Mulla Ali Qari (RA), which lacks a chain of transmission. In India, Maulana Wakeel Ahmad Sikandar Puri (RA) discovered a manuscript of Fiqh Al-Akbar containing a chain of transmission traced back to Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) through Abu Muti’ Balkhi (RA). This manuscript reached Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi (RA), who then wrote a commentary on it titled Nazm-ud-Dur Fi Sharh Al-Fiqh Al-Akbar.

His distinguished students, Maulana Mufti Muhammad Isa (RA) of Madrasah Nusrat-ul-Uloom, Gujranwala, and Maulana Muhammad Talha Yaseen (RA) of Karachi, had this work verified and authenticated by Arab scholars and published it through Majlis Ilmi Karachi. It has also been published in Makkah and Madinah by esteemed institutions, including:

  1. Al-Maktabah Al-Markaziyyah, Jamia Umm-ul-Qura, Makkah Mukarramah

  2. Al-Maktabah Al-Haram Al-Makki Al-Shareef, Makkah Mukarramah

  3. Al-Maktabah Al-Tijariyyah Al-Marwah, Makkah Mukarramah

  4. Maktabah Imdadiyyah near Bab-ul-Umrah, Makkah Mukarramah

  5. Jamia Islamia, Al-Maktabah Al-Madaniyyah, Madinah Munawwarah

  6. Al-Maktabah Al-Salafiyyah, Madinah Munawwarah

The introduction of this Arabic commentary on Fiqh Al-Akbar was written by the head of Islamic Studies at Umm-ul-Qura University, Makkah, Sheikh Uthman bin Ibrahim Al-Murshid (RA), who praised Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi (RA) for his deep understanding of Fiqh. The fact that Nazm-ud-Dur Fi Sharh Al-Fiqh Al-Akbar is taught in the two holiest cities of Islam, Makkah and Madinah, is a testament to his scholarly excellence.

Contributions to Persian Studies

Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi (RA) made significant contributions to Persian studies.

  1. In 1348 AH (1923 CE), he authored Risala Sarf Nahw Ma’een Al-Mubtadi, a grammar guide for Persian students.

  2. He wrote commentaries on Persian books, including Pand Namah of Sheikh Farid-ud-Din Attar (RA) and Naam Haq Jali Qalam Dar.

  3. He engaged in written debates with Shia scholars in Persian. One notable debate was with Syed Al-Murtaza Al-Jafari Al-Husseini Al-Amili from Qom, Iran. This debate was published in the Iranian newspaper Daraasaat wa Buhooth in issue no. 175, 1400 AH.

  4. He maintained Persian correspondence with his spiritual guide, Maulana Syed Muhammad (RA), and other scholars, and these letters are preserved within the Alvi family.

  5. Once, an MA Persian student struggled with a difficult Persian quatrain and sought Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi’s (RA) guidance at Madrasa Ubaidia. Mufti Sahib immediately provided an explanation. The student continued visiting for several days with more complex Persian queries, attempting to test his knowledge. Understanding his intent, Mufti Sahib provided instant explanations. Finally, he tested the student in return, exposing his own lack of expertise, leaving him humbled. This incident highlighted Mufti Sahib’s mastery of Persian literature.

  6. At Madrasa Ubaidia Naqshbandia, he personally taught Persian language courses to students.

Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi (RA) was a prominent scholar whose scholarly contributions continue to be a source of guidance and inspiration in the Islamic world.

The Personality of Hazrat Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi R.A & the Scholarly Article Written on His Book "Anwar-ul-Sunan"

Makhdoom Ulema Hazrat Maulana Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi and Mujtahid Quds was a great religious and academic personality of the Holy Land and India, therefore, an MA and an MPhil thesis have been written on his religious and jurisprudential personality.
The first MA thesis on the personality of Hazrat Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah (RA) was written by Muhammad Zubair Chandia Sahib. The title of the thesis was “The Jurisprudential Services of the Famous Religious Scholar of Dera Ghazi Khan, Qazi Ubaidullah (RA)”. The session was 2000-2002. The author of the thesis was Muhammad Zubair Chandia Sahib, roll number 2518. This thesis was written under the supervision of Professor Muhammad Isa Khan Khosa, Department of Islamic Studies, Government College, Dera Ghazi Khan. This thesis was duly approved by the Board of Studies, Department of Islamic Studies, Bahauddin Zakaria University, Multan. In the article, Muhammad Zubair Chandia Sahib mentioned in detail the academic personality, family background and religious and jurisprudential books of Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi (RA) as an MA Islamic Studies student. The author of the article, Zubair Chandia Sahib, has made his academic, religious and jurisprudential services unforgettable with great effort and dedication. Zubair Chandia Sahib has prepared this MA Department of Sciences thesis by studying all his important religious and jurisprudential books and letters in a proper manner.

Cover Page

In this way, Anisur Rahman Sahib, an M.Phil. thesis writer, has written on the personal, academic and religious services of Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi (RA) in 2014-2016. The title of the article is “A Research Review of the Authorial Services of Qazi Ubaidullah (RA)”
Session: 2014-2016
Essay Writer: Anisur Rahman, Department of Islamic Studies, Roll Number: 51512
Supervisor Article: 1=Dr. Muhammad Hamid Raza, Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Government College University, Faisalabad
2=Dr. Arshad Munir Laghari, Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, Indus International Institute, Dera Ghazi Khan
3=Dr. Omar Hayat, Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Government College University, Faisalabad
The author has conducted a research study on the academic personality, social, political and religious conditions, family background and his published and unpublished jurisprudential works of Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi (RA). Hafiz Anisur Rehman Sahib has worked hard on this M.Phil thesis, which consists of 127 pages.
While the M.Phil thesis on Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Sahib’s famous book Anwar-ul-Sunan Arabic was written by Professor Muhammad Arshad Bhatti Lahori Sahib, PhD scholar in Arabic language in 2015-2017. The title of the thesis is “Research and Study of the Manuscript (Anwar-ul-Sunan for Sheikh Ubaidullah Al-Alawi Al-Qadhi)”. This M.Phil thesis is in Arabic and consists of 589 pages. The thesis was prepared under the supervision of Professor Dr. Ali Akbar Al-Azhari and was formally approved by Professor Dr. Naseer Ahmed Akhtar, Head of Department, Chairman, Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Lahore. In the thesis, along with researching the family background, education, interpretations of the Holy Quran, Hadith, religious and jurisprudential services of Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi Mujaddidi (RA), Professor Muhammad Arshad (RA) has written a detailed M.Phil thesis on his Arabic book “Anwar-ul-Sunan” with great effort. After the thesis was completed in 2017, the respected professor has presented a thesis book to the grandchildren of Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi (RA) as a gift. The words that Professor Muhammad Arshad (RA) has written on the thesis book with his own hand Written by him, he is at your service
A gift of devotion
With respect and honor
With the honor of seeing and observing
Qazi Abdul Qayyum Alvi Naqshbandi Sahib, the late and Khalifa Mufti Azam Hazrat Maulana Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi Mujaddidi R.A
Qazi Shahabuddin Alvi
By- Professor Muhammad Arshad Bhatti
PhD Scholar, Gulshan-e-Ravi Lahore-
These MA and MPhil theses written on the personality of Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Quds Surah and his religious and jurisprudential books are a recognition of his high religious and religious services. Your personality is famous and well-known in the Arab countries along with the Holy Land and India. May Allah Almighty elevate Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi Mujaddidi R.A to the highest ranks, Amen.

Establishment of Darul Uloom Ubaidiya Naqshbandia Block No. 3 Dera Ghazi Khan Madrasa

Darul Uloom Ubaidiya Naqshbandia Block No. 3 DG Khan’s first madrasa and mosque was founded by Hazrat Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah’s father, Hazrat Mufti Qazi Ghulam Yasin Alvi, in 1908, while Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi, in 1922, laid the foundation of the second madrasa together with the great scholars of his time. He was the guardian and patron of this mosque and madrasa. This was the first regular religious madrasa of DG Khan where the Holy Quran with translation, the study of Hadith, and Islamic jurisprudence and philosophy were taught. During his lifetime, his second son, Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Shamsuddin Alvi Naqshbandi, and his grandson, Hazrat Maulana Qazi Abdul Qayyum Alvi Naqshbandi, graduated from this madrasa and taught in this madrasa. He has been teaching, even in the year 2025, his grandson Hajj Hazrat Maulana Qazi Abdul Qayyum Alvi Naqshbandi Madzilla and his sons Mufti Qazi Obaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi Sani, Hafiz Muhammad Abdullah Alvi and Alem Hafiz Qazi Muhammad Alvi are continuing the work of teaching and learning in Madrasa Obaidiya Naqshbandia.
Madrasah Syllabus
Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi (RA) had arranged a seven-year syllabus for the learned scholars in his madrasah. After studying the Quran, Hadith, Islamic jurisprudence and philosophy in seven years, the student was awarded a certificate of completion. He himself was the head teacher in this madrasah. In addition to teaching the Quran with translation and Hadith, he also appointed other learned scholars. He himself taught Arabic books.

Independent students
Madrasah Ubaidiya Naqshbandia Block No. 3, Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi (RA) had two types of students. The first type of religious students used to return to their homes after taking morning and evening lessons and after Maghrib prayers, while there were some students who, like the companions of the Suffah, lived in the madrasah. He had also arranged a seven-year syllabus for them. The order and details of the syllabus for education are as follows: syllabus for books
1= Translation of the Holy Quran in Urdu and Syriac
2= Hadith:- Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Jam-e-Tirmidhi, Sunan Abi Dawood, Sunan An-Nasa’i, Sunan Ibn Majah, Muwatta Imam Malik (may Allah have mercy on him), Muwatta Imam Abu Hanifa (may Allah have mercy on him), Muwatta Imam Muhammad Tahawi, Usul-e-Hadith, Sharh Mishkat Sharif, Sharh Nakhbat-ul-Fikr, Muweza Mishkat Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlvi (may Allah have mercy on him)
3= Jurisprudence:- Fiqh al-Akbar, Qaduri, Hidayah Kanz-ud-Da’iq, Sharh Waqayyah etc.
4= Principles of Jurisprudence:- , Usul Fiqh al-Akbar Muhammad Hanafiyya, Usul-e-Shafi’i, Noor-ul-Anwar, Jami etc.
5= Persian:- Persian Sarf and Naw Risala Mu’in al-Mubtadi, Hidayah al-Mubtadi, Naam-e-Haqq, Pandnama etc.
6= Science of Sarf:- Sarf Mir, Science of Sarf the First and the Last, Tashil-e-Sarf etc.
7= Nahu science:- Sharh Mullah Jami, Kafiyya, Sharh Maita Amil etc.
8= Naruq science:- Muhit-e-Dairat
9= Literature:- Maqam-e-Hariri, Mutanabi, Diwan-e-Hamasa etc.
In Madrasah Ubaidiya Naqshbandia, along with the education of Islam, the teaching of high ethics was also considered. Competitions for recitation of the Holy Quran and high-level reciters taught the students how to recite. Special attention was paid to explaining important religious and jurisprudential issues. Regular competitions were held for the students to write well.
On Fridays, Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah (may Allah be pleased with him) himself would deliver speeches on the speaker in the light of the Quran and Hadith in Masjid Sharif. Once or twice a month, eminent scholars from all over Pakistan would come to Darul Uloom Ubaidiya Naqshbandia to deliver speeches on important issues in the light of the Quran and Hadith. People from all over the division would come to the Madrasah of Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah (may Allah be pleased with him) to listen to them.

The Distinguished and Revered Scholars Visiting
Darul Uloom Ubaidia Naqshbandia, Block 3,
Dera Ghazi Khan Punjab Pakistan

Names of the eminent scholars who visited Darul Uloom Ubaidiya Naqshbandia Block No. 3, DG Khan
The eminent scholars and muftis of their time visited Darul Uloom Ubaidiya Naqshbandia Block No. 3, Dera Ghazi Khan and delivered speeches here, among which the names of these eminent scholars are worth mentioning, Ameer Shariat Hazrat Maulana Syed Attaullah Shah Bukhari (RA), Hazrat Maulana Murtaza Hassan Chandpuri (RA) (Mohtamim Deoband India), Mufti Azam Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi (RA) (Fazel Deoband) from Karachi, Hazrat Maulana Khalil Ahmed Saharanpuri (RA) (Mohtamim Deoband), Hazrat Maulana Abu Al-Wafah Shah Jahanpuri (RA) (Fazel Deoband), Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Abdullah (RA) (Fazel Deoband) (Mohtamim Khair Madaris Multan), Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ali Jalandhari (RA) (Fazel Deoband), your Murshid Hazrat Maulana Syed Muhammad Shah (RA) (Mosizai Dera Ismail Khan), Hazrat Maulana Pir Syed Rukn Alam Shah Karoli (Jhelum), Hazrat Maulana Fazl Ali Qureshi (Maskanpur), Hazrat Maulana Ghulam Hassan Swag (Lal Isan Kar, Leyah),
Hazrat Maulana Syed Inayatullah Bukhari Gujarati (R), Imam Auliya Hazrat Maulana Abdullah Pahlavi Shujaabadi (R), Hazrat Maulana Mufti Pir Abdul Haq Wahwa Wale, these eminent scholars had visited Madrasa Ubaidiya before the establishment of Pakistan
While the names of the eminent scholars who visited Madrasa Ubaidiya in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s are as follows
Hazrat Maulana Qari Muhammad Tayyab (R), Head of Deoband India, Hazrat Maulana Syed Abu Al-Ali Maududi (R), Sheikh Hadith Hazrat Maulana Mufti Mahmood (R), Hazrat Maulana Qazi Mazhar Hussain (R), Hazrat Maulana Zia Al-Qasimi (R), Hazrat Maulana Ghulam Habib Chakwali (R), Hazrat Maulana Qazi Ehsan Ahmed (R), Hazrat Maulana Abdul Hai Jampuri (RA), Hazrat Maulana Abdul Sattar Tunsvi (RA), Sheikh of Hadith Hazrat Maulana Abdullah Jamafi (RA), Hazrat Maulana Sardar Ahmed Khan Pitafi (RA) Jampur, Hazrat Maulana Qaimuddin (RA) (Jatoi Wale), Hazrat Maulana Dost Muhammad Qureshi (RA) (Kote Addo), Hazrat Maulana Abdul Malik (RA) (Khanewal), Hazrat Maulana Abdul Aziz Shujaabadi (RA), Hazrat Maulana Pir Syed Abdul Wahab Shah (RA) (Hasilpur), Sheikh of Hadith Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Amin (RA) (Okara), Sheikh of Hadith Hazrat Maulana Manzoor Ahmed Shah (RA) (Jami Faridiya Saiwal), Sheikh of Hadith Hazrat Maulana Abdul Majeed (RA) (Chowk Munda), Hazrat Maulana Syed Abdul Qadir Azad (RA) Lahori, Hazrat Maulana Mufti Zainul Abidin (RA) (Faisalabad), Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Hussain Naeemi (RA) (Lahore), Sheikh of Hadith Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Sharif Rizvi (RA) (Bukhar), Hazrat Maulana Salimullah Khan (RA) (Karachi), Hazrat Haji Abdul Majeed (RA) (Multan), while your Two special disciples Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Isa (Nusrat-ul-Uloom Gujranwala), and Hazrat Maulana Abdullah (Rojahan) (Shaheed Lal Masjid Islamabad) and a prominent personality of Pakistan Hazrat Maulana Dr. Israr Ahmed (Lahore) came to Darul Uloom Ubaidiya Naqshbandi in 1980.

In addition, renowned scholars of D.G. Khan Division including Hazrat Maulana Ali Murtaza (Gadai Sharif Wale), Hazrat Maulana Imam Bakhsh (Ra), Hazrat Maulana Qasim (Ra), Hazrat Maulana Abdul Malik (Ra), Hazrat Maulana Qari Muzammil (Ra), Hazrat Maulana Ghulam Sarwar (Ra), Hazrat Maulana Abdul Aziz, Hazrat Maulana Akbar Saqib (Ra), and other eminent scholars such as Hazrat Maulana Pir Hafiz Zulfiqar Ahmed Naqshbandi Madzala (President of Ma’had-ul-Faqeer-ul-Islami, Jhang) etc. Saints of Allah and great Islamic scholars have taught thousands of God’s creatures their spiritual and religious values ​​in Darul Uloom Ubaidiya Naqshbandi Block No. 3, Dera Ghazi Khan. Through his eloquent speeches and lectures, he enriched their hearts and minds with the symbols of religious sciences and the realities of the religion of Islam, and strengthened the religion of Islam to the fullest.
Even today, in Madrasa Ubaidiya Naqshbandia Block No. 3, DG Khan, Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi and Mujtahid (may Allah have mercy on him), Haj Hazrat Maulana Qazi Abdul Qayyum Alvi Naqshbandi Madzala, his son Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Sani, Maulana Hafiz Qazi Muhammad Alvi and other madrasas are actively working in the propagation and promotion of the religion of Islam.

Foundation of Mosques and Madrasas

Hazrat  Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi (R.A) played a significant role in the establishment of many mosques and madrasas in D.G. Khan Division and Multan. He laid the foundation of several important religious institutions, contributing greatly to the spread of Islamic education.

In 1937, he purchased 12 kanal of land for the Markazi Eidgah Ubaidia and constructed a permanent structure for the Eidgah, which was dedicated to the purpose of Eidgah’s proper establishment. Later, in 1963, he established Darul Uloom Ubaidia at Eidgah.

In 1922, he built the second permanent structure of Darul Uloom Obaidia in Block No. 3, which became the first religious madrasa in D.G. Khan, offering education in the Qur’an, Hadith, and Fiqh principles.

In 1949, just after the creation of Pakistan, a mosque was constructed on the site of an old temple in Block G. The Imdadiya Mosque in Block Q and the Darsgah Niaziya in Block C were also founded in 1945.

Support from Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Party

At the strong insistence and request of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Party, you had contested the National Assembly elections on the platform of Jamaat-e-Islami in the Dera Ghazi Khan seat. The Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Party provided you with full support. Maulana Maududi (RA) and Maulana Mufti Mahmood (RA) visited Dera Ghazi Khan and formally campaigned for you. They also delivered speeches together at the central Eidgah Ubaidiyah. It is important to note that Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam did not oppose you in any way.

Early Education and Training

Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alavi (RA) received his initial education in the Holy Quran at home from his revered mother, Sardar Sadan Bibi (RA). Later, he studied the Quran with translation, Hadith, and Fiqh under the guidance of his esteemed father, Mufti Qazi Ghulam Yaseen Alavi (RA).

He pursued higher Islamic studies at Madrasa Himayat-ul-Islam, Block No. 11, Dera Ghazi Khan, where he studied:

  • Hadith studies, Sarf (Morphology) & Nahw (Grammar), Fiqh (Jurisprudence) & Usul-ul-Fiqh (Principles of Jurisprudence), Adab (Literature) & Ilm-ul-Arooz (Prosody), Mantiq (Logic) & Falsafa (Philosophy).

His teachers included:

  • Molana Abdullah Shah, Jhakkar Imam Shah (RA), and Molana Qadir Bakhsh Malikani (RA) – for Sarf and Nahw
  • Molana Imam Bakhsh Gudai Wale (RA) – for Fiqh and Usul-ul-Fiqh
  • Molana Mufti Deen Muhammad (RA) – for Adab and Ilm-ul-Arooz
  • Molana Abdul Karim Shah Jampuri (RA) and Molana Allah Dad (RA) of Kot Musa Zai, Dera Ismail Khan – for Hadith, Mantiq, and Falsafa
  • His respected father and Molana Ahmad Bakhsh (RA) of Block X – for Persian
  • Molana Muhammad Nawaz Babar (RA) – for Urdu

He graduated from Madrasa Himayat-ul-Islam, Block No. 11, Dera Ghazi Khan, and was awarded the certificate of completion by Molana Allah Dad (RA), the principal of the madrasa.

Honorary Certificates

Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alavi (RA) was honored with certificates of Hadith studies by:

  • Hazrat Syed Ataullah Shah (RA), teacher at Madrasah Soliyah, Makkah Mukarramah (brother of Molana Syed Hussain Ahmad Madani (RA)).
  • Molana Abdul Karim Shah Jampuri (RA).

These recognitions highlight his esteemed scholarly status in Islamic education.

Scholars and Disciples (Students)

Name of Caliphs and students of Hazrat Mufti Qazi Ubaid ullah Alvi Naqshbandi (R.A)

1= Maulana Sheikh Muhammad Rafiq( رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) Mahtamim Madrasa Haras-ul-Ukhra, Jama Masjid Taqwa Multan
2=Maulana Abdul Aziz Darvi,(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ)
3=Maulana Muzamal Hussain(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) Iran
3=Your Son Maulana Mufti Qazi Shamsh- ud-din Alvi Naqshbandi (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) Khateeb of the Main Eidgah Ubaidia and Maki Masjid Block G D.G.Khan.
4=Maulana Abdul Hayi Jampuri(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ)
5=Maulana Abdul Khaliq(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) Rojhan City
6=Maulana Allah Wasaya(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ), Churhatta Waley
7=Maulana Hussain Ahmed (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ)
8=Maulana AlHaj Qazi Abdul Qayyum Alvi Naqshbandi
Current Muhtamim and Khateeb Main Eidgah and Muhtamim Darul Uloom Ubaidia Naqshbandia Block No.3 and Grandson of Mufti Qazi Ubaid ullah Alvi Naqshbandi Dervi(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ)
9=Maulana Bahauddin Pahari(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ)
10=Maulana Khuda Bakhsh(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) From Darul Uloom Deoband (India).
11=Maulana Sofi Muhammad Iqbal R.A
12=Maulana Qari Muzmal Ahmad(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ)Ex-Muhtamim and Khateeb Madrasa of Eashat of the Quran, Railway Puli D.G.Khan
13=Sheikh ul Hadees Maulana Ghulam Sarwar(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) Khatib Masjid Awan Block No.26 D.G.Khan.
14=Maulana Abdul Khaliq(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ)
15=Maulana Ameer Muhammad Multani (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ)
16=Maulana Abdullah Bughlani(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ)
17=Maulana Ghulam Nabi Jafari(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ)
18=Maulana Muhammad Abdullah Liaqat Puri(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) Rahim Yar Khan City.
19=Maulana Elahi Bakhsh(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) Jhok Utara, D.G.Khan.
20=Maulana Hafiz Allah Bakhsh(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) Ladan, D.G.Khan.
21=Maulana Qadir Bakhsh(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) Muhtamim Madrasa Majidiya Khairabad
22=Maulana Rashid Ahmad Shah Jamali Shb, Current Muhtamim Jamia Fatima Al-Zuhra Block No.W and Muhtamim Madrasa Syed Na Abu Bakar Siddique New Model Town,D.G.Khan.
23=Maulana Deen Muhammad (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ)Block.J D.G.Khan.
24=Maulana Khadim Hussain(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ)
25=Hazrat Maulana Abdullah Shaheed(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) Muhtamim Lal Masjid,Islamabad)
26=Maulana Ghulam Qasim Khan Kethran Block No.J, D.G.Khan.
27=Maulana Qari Shah Nawaz Shb.
28=Maulana Ustad Ghulam Yasin Ansari (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ), Block Q, 29=Haji Wali Muhammad(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ)Darsgah Niazia, Block C D G Khan
30=Maulana Syed Qamar-ud-din Shah(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) ,Muhtamim Bagh Shah Walli Mosque, Block 7,D.G.Khan
31=Dr. Captain Abdul Rahim(Late),Block 3 D G Khan
32=Sofi Selahu-ud-din Qasmani(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ), Block No.3
33=Hafiz Sheikh Allah Nawaz
34=Haji Muhammad Mubarak(رحمتہ اللہ علیہ), Mudaris Darul Ubaidia Mosque Block No.3
35=Mulvi Mahmood(late)
36=Mulvi Kaleem
37=Haji Muhammad Ismail Block C,
38= Prof.Imad-ud-din Javed Shb,Ex.Principal Goverment College Block 17, D.G.Khan

And many other islamic scholars and distinguished persons, gain the knowledge of Quran Pak, Hadees Sharif, Saraf-o-Nuh, Fiqah and Rules of Fiqah, and others Arabic and Persian islamic books knowledge from Darul Uloom Ubaidia Naqshbandia Block No.3 D.G.Khan the Madarsa of Ustad-Ul-Uloma and Sheikh-ul-Hadees, Makhdoom-Ul-Uloma, Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi Dervi (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ), and when They completed their education from Mufti Qazi Ubaidbullah Alvi (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ),their Students were active in promoting and Spreading the religion of Islam in Pakistan and outside of Pakistan.

mufti qazi ubaidullah dervi R.A

A Legacy of Dedication & Faith

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