Makhdumol Ulma Mufti Qazi
Alvi Naqhsbandi Dervi Rahmat Ullaha
Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi is an esteemed Islamic scholar and community leader, recognized for his contributions to Islamic literature and social welfare in Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan.

Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi (R.A) received honorary Hadith certificates from Hazrat Sayyid Ata Allah Shah (R.A) , Makkah Mukarramah & Maulana Abdul Karim Shah Jampuri (R.A).

Hazrat Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi R.A played a significant role in establishing many mosques and madrasas in D.G. Khan Division and Multan, greatly contributing to the spread of Islamic education. He founded key religious institutions, including Darul Uloom Ubaidia, and constructed important structures like the Markazi Eidgah Ubaidia.

The lineage of Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah (RA) traces back to Hazrat Abbas رضي الله عنه, the son of Amir al-Mu'minin Hazrat Ali رضي الله عنه

Eid Gha
On December 30, 1981, he laid the foundation of Madresa Ubadia Islamia Usmania in Block D,
Dera Ghazi Khan Punjab Pakistan
Dera Ghazi Khan Punjab Pakistan
His Amazing Works
Names of the eminent scholars who visited Darul Uloom Ubaidiya Naqshbandia Block No. 3, DG Khan Pakistan

The eminent scholars and muftis of their time visited Darul Uloom Ubaidiya Naqshbandia Block No. 3, Dera Ghazi Khan and delivered speeches here.
Among which the names of these eminent scholars are worth mentioning, Ameer Shariat Hazrat Maulana Syed Attaullah Shah Bukhari (RA), Hazrat Maulana Murtaza Hassan Chandpuri (RA) (Mohtamim Deoband India), Mufti Azam Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi (RA) (Fazel Deoband) from Karachi, Hazrat Maulana Khalil Ahmed Saharanpuri (RA) (Mohtamim Deoband), Hazrat Maulana Abu Al-Wafah Shah Jahanpuri (RA) (Fazel Deoband), Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Abdullah (RA) (Fazel Deoband) (Mohtamim Khair Madaris Multan), Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ali Jalandhari (RA) (Fazel Deoband), your Murshid Hazrat Maulana Syed Muhammad Shah (RA) (Mosizai Dera Ismail Khan), Hazrat Maulana Pir Syed Rukn Alam Shah
Names of the eminent scholars who visited Darul Uloom Ubaidiya Naqshbandia Block No. 3, DG Khan
The eminent scholars and muftis of their time visited Darul Uloom Ubaidiya Naqshbandia Block No. 3, Dera Ghazi Khan and delivered speeches here, among which the names of these eminent scholars are worth mentioning, Ameer Shariat Hazrat Maulana Syed Attaullah Shah Bukhari (RA), Hazrat Maulana Murtaza Hassan Chandpuri (RA) (Mohtamim Deoband India), Mufti Azam Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi (RA) (Fazel Deoband) from Karachi, Hazrat Maulana Khalil Ahmed Saharanpuri (RA) (Mohtamim Deoband), Hazrat Maulana Abu Al-Wafah Shah Jahanpuri (RA) (Fazel Deoband), Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Abdullah (RA) (Fazel Deoband) (Mohtamim Khair Madaris Multan), Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ali Jalandhari (RA) (Fazel Deoband), your Murshid Hazrat Maulana Syed Muhammad Shah (RA) (Mosizai Dera Ismail Khan), Hazrat Maulana Pir Syed Rukn Alam Shah
دارالعلوم عبیدیہ نقشبندیہ بلاک نمبر 3 ڈی جی خان میں تشریف لانے والے نامور علماء کے نام
اپنے وقت کے نامور علماء کرام اور مفتیان کرام نے دارالعلوم عبیدیہ نقشبندیہ بلاک نمبر 3 ڈیرہ غازی خان کا دورہ کیا اور یہاں خطابات کیے جن میں ان نامور علماء کے نام قابل ذکر ہیں، امیر شریعت حضرت مولانا سید عطاء اللہ شاہ بخاری رحمۃ اللہ علیہ، حضرت مولانا مرتضیٰ حسن چاندپوری رحمۃ اللہ علیہ، مفتی اعظم ہند مولانا مرتضیٰ حسن چاندپوری رحمۃ اللہ علیہ۔ کراچی سے محمد شفیع رحمۃ اللہ علیہ (فاضل دیوبند)، حضرت مولانا خلیل احمد سہارنپوری رحمۃ اللہ علیہ (محتمم دیوبند)، حضرت مولانا ابو الوفاء شاہ جہانپوری رحمۃ اللہ علیہ (فاضل دیوبند)، حضرت مولانا مفتی محمد عبداللہ رحمۃ اللہ علیہ (فاضل دیوبند) (محتمم خیر مدارس ملتان)، حضرت مولانا مولانا فضل الرحمن (مرحوم) مولانا فضل الرحمان (رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ)۔ مولانا سید محمد شاہ رحمۃ اللہ علیہ (موسی زئی ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان) حضرت مولانا پیر سید رکن عالم شاہ
Names of Jalil-ul-Qadr Scholars visiting Darul-Uloom Ubaydiya Naqshbandia Block No. 3 DG Khan
In Darul Uloom Ubaidiya Naqshbandia Block No. 3, Dera Ghazi Khan, the Jalil-ul-Qadr scholars and muftis of their time came and gave speeches here, among which the names of these scholars are worth mentioning, Ameer Sharia Hazrat Maulana Syed Attaullah Shah Bukhari, Hazrat Maulana Murtaza Hasan Chandpuri (Mahtamim Deo Band India), Mufti Azam Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi (Fazl Deo Band) of Karachi, Hazrat Maulana Khalil Ahmad. Saharanpuri (Fazl Dev Band), Hazrat Maulana Abulofa Shah Jahanpuri (Fazl Dev Band), Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Abdullah (Fazl Dev Band) Mahtamim Khair al-Madaris Multan, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ali Jalandhri (Fazl Dev Band), your mentor Hazrat Maulana Syed Muhammad Shah (Mosai de Ismail Khan), Hazrat Maulana Syed Pirra Rukan Alam Shah.

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Web design refers to the design of websites that are displayed on the internet. It usually refers to the user experience aspects of website development

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Web design refers to the design of websites that are displayed on the internet. It usually refers to the user experience aspects of website development

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This website is respectfully created by Makhdumaol Ulma Hazrat Maulana Mufti Qazi Ubaidullah Alvi Naqshbandi Dervi R.A’s esteemed grandson, Qazi Shahbud Din Alvi. He endeavors to preserve the invaluable work of his revered grandfather and perpetuate the noble legacy of his esteemed ancestors. May Allah grant him the strength and guidance to continue these honorable endeavors. This website is meticulously designed, developed, and maintained by Usmania Soft.
Block No 3 Dera Ghazi Khan Punjab Pakistan
+92 331 7367271